Sexual Dysfunction Justice Spell
Sexual Dysfunction Justice Spell
Are you looking to see your ex’s love life go limp? Want to be able to laugh at their embarrassment knowing that their adult functions are no longer functioning? Let us help you exact your devious revenge. Our circle of real spell casters have the ability to make your ex’s love life fall flat. This revenge spell works on BOTH men and women! We won’t go into details about the effects of this spell here but focuses on the adult portions of your ex or enemy to make them lose all ability to perform in the bedroom, without losing the desire. Many clients report back to us still laughing at the sheer embarrassment of their ex’s after hearing the stories of woe.
What’s the difference between the degrees?
The degree is the strength of the spell. Higher degree castings are much stronger than the respective lower degree, and because spells have a cumulative effect and higher degrees are cast over more nights than the lower degree the spell becomes much stronger, offering a more profound impact on the situation. Some situations require a stronger spell so if you’re not sure what degree or strength to get it might be wise to get the free consult.
“He wouldn’t stop cheating on me. We’ve been married almost 15 years. And this dirty SOB didn’t even try to hide it anymore. I was so sick of it. I left him, but not without making things right and the sexual justice spell made me feel much better. I’m not sure why he told me it wasn’t working but he did and was looking for a shoulder to cry on. I let him cry a while before reversing it. And I’m an idiot I think because I took him back. At least he’s covering his tracks because he really seems committed and I’m not interested in knowing his indiscretions. I’d rather just look the other way.”
“It was so funny watching his reaction to it not working. I wasn’t around, but I over heard him on the phone making a doctors appointment and found a new prescription for Viagra in the bathroom. I guess the Viagra is stronger than your spell because he seemed to be okay after that, but it sure was funny knowing I got him back.”